January 16, 2011

something that yours....

i will keep this little thingy so that it will always reminds me of you..and you also have a little piece of  mine rite..
if one day, you had someone else and walk away from me... the least i know is i have lots of sweet memories together with you that i will cherish till the end...
i promise you i will...


Laila said...

KG...bunyi cam kampung je..hehehe jgn marah Nina...sy cuma nk bgi Nina senyum...sy dh bc psl KG nie..jgn risau..ada hikmah disebalik apa yg jadi kt kita..mungkin there is Mr. R out there utk Nina...yg 100x lebih bgus/lebih syg Nina...don't let love matters influence ur life..yg penting ENJOY!...n senyum sokmo..mcm sy..hehehe

anata said...

kekasih gelap kak ct hehe
emm bila ati ni dh lekat kt sorg,susah nk pindah ke org lain kak...