January 30, 2010

purple passion.. ^.^

Do you know why the Joker mainly wears purple clothes? He wears a purple suit because HE FEELS LIKE IT! Purple is the “IT” colour this season; be mesmerized with everything from sexy deep plums to striking indigo’s. Lucky for you purple is a colour that everyone can wear! See how these Hollywood celebs wear the colour either as a statement or just as an accent piece:
fearne cotton

hotty megan fox

kym marsh
Yes, it’s true; purple can make you appear more intelligent and it’s a great colour to be worn when you need a boost of confidence. Well’s that’s certainly something we all need more of! Go ahead and inject some purple into your wardrobe and let your self-esteem soar to greater heights!

that's why i lurveee purple..purple can make me appear more intelligent..hah

contact center fun day out!!

hehe cite dah basi kot..dh seminggu dah..
tapi nak wat camne rase cam bizi sangat dis week..
neway nak cite gak pasal CONTACT CENTER MOTIVATIONAL XTVT at Impian Rimba Resort,Ulu Langat 23 & 24 Januari

1) kelewatan disebabkan kesesatan

kalau ikutkan kami (shema,aku,wani n lai) yang menaiki kodok shima akan follow keta siva n keta along.bertolak dari Fatty lebih kurang pukul 8.30 am. Keta kami belakang skali..follow bontot keta siva.
nak dijadikan cerita,baru je kuar simpang dari bangsar tu dah lost keta siva..sebabnya keta masa nak kuar simpang tu terlalu ramai..sepatotnya diorang naik ke flyover,kitorang jalan straight je sampai ke muzium and trus ke Bank Negara.
Sivaji dah cuak keta kami tiada dibelakangnya.Along pun cuak keta siva je dia nampak,kodok dia tak nampak.
Siva call lai,abang noel call shema.aku drive.cuak sangat kitorg ni.sampai kena hon 2 kali.then at last abg noel kata tunggu kat Ampang Point.ok lai tau jalan.headed straight to Ampang Point.
berikut disenaraikan sebab2 kepada kesesatan kami:

1) Shima passed kepada wani sunglasses..wani sibuk try sunglasses tuh..menyebabkan wani tak fokus pada keta siva..

2) shima sibuk dengan air freshener keta dia sambil main sembur2 dua jenis freshener..menyebabkan dia tak fokus pada keta siva..

3)shima sibuk ternampak beg aku hempap cekodok dia,dia pon jerit la 'nina,abis penyek cekodok shima!'sekali lagi dia tak fokus pada keta siva..

4) lai dengan konfiden nye suruh kitorang follow keta depan lori yang disangkakan keta siva,rupa2nya keta saga (keta siva hyundai)
 keta siva

tapi diorang tetap menyalahkan driver (aku) sebab bila naik keta dengan aku mesti sesat..aku tak bersalah!!
tapi alhamdulillah selamat sampai..disebabkan kami sampai awal,pe lagi..mandi sungai la kejenye..

2) telematch began

ade 4 team..

fantastic four

macam2 game ade
-lari bwk bola pingpong
-lari dlm guni
-lari ikat kaki berpasangan
-lari kepit bola
-lari atas batu bata
-baling bola berisi air
-treasure hunt
-lari atas tempurung kelapa
-tarik tali

memang fun abis la..released sume work burden dalam kepala.lupa abis semuanya.

3)ketika malam menjelma..

all da ladies diharuskan memakai kaftan while all da men diharuskan memakai kain pelikat lalala n pagoda tshirt. bebudak contact center memang sporting giler..even joanna,bee ling, jamie and even our aini yang tak penah pakai kaftan pon join sama..

kudos to all contact centerian :)

presenting payid in pink kaftan hehe


xtvt pertama dikala malam adalah makan..menu kami:
-kerang bakar-sotong bakar-sosej bakar-ikan patin n ikan kembung bakar-ayam bbq-french fries-nasi goreng-lagi dah lupa hehe

next adalah team performance..

at first team kitorg (fantastic 4) dah bersemangat nak wat men's catwalk dengan zamry nak dress like cheerleader, kimie dress in skirt n spageti top,siva in saree, ijam in pario,and faizul in long dress.. memang salute la dengan u boys,sebab very da sporting..tapi bila announced yang performance tak campur markah total,we all very disappointed and decided tak nak perform..boys pon dah majuk taknak pakai baju2 ni..we all just nak buat war cry..

first teansformers performed.they all memang best..then followed by d'punisher and wolverine.last skali fantastic 4..
dan bila sampai turn kitorang,kak ct suggested pasang lagu then kitorang menari2 then when music stopped,we shouted out loud 'fantastic fantastic fantastic 4!!'
kitorang budget memang last place la..sekali bila announced,we all won 2nd place untuk performance hahaha..gile tak caya..the winner of cos la transformer,3rd wolverine and last d'punisher

next xtvt adalah award time..for first and second quarter..
then next lagi adalah karok time!!
ramai gak yang men'yumbang'kan suara malam tu..
-kak ira-kak ijan-kak lin-kak yam-reza-nanie-eddy-izam-sherry-

disamping tu,kitorang ada slot dance floor.sume pakat turun nari..abg hasri,kak leen,kak yam,kak salwa,kak jida and kebanyakan senior staffs sporting abis menari bramai2..

then bila dah pukul 12am,sume stop..acara menidorkan diri..
ingatkan semuanya dapat tido..tapi ramai gak yang tak tido..
we had a mysterious experience..
what ever it was.. i really salute their friendship..(u guys know who u are..)
they sacrificed for  each other..

4) bila menjelang pagi..

at first kitorang ingat nak mandi sungai before balik umah..tapi semua dilarang mandi sungai..kitorang pun memang dah cancel hajat nak mandi..
so semua packing, breakfast and balik..

note: big thanx to abg alan sebab jadi photographer kami..

January 25, 2010

contact center fun day!!

will be updated sooooon

January 20, 2010

a single phrase that makes me smile

dont cry,
don't be frown,
who knows someone might attracted to ur smile

thanx to tob cos he gave me this phrase which makes me smile..
this is the single phrase that makes me grin from ear to ear right now..

January 16, 2010

kenapa harus menipu?

to be honest..
aku suka kawan dengan kau..
aku suka dengar cerita kau tentang hidup kau,or even masalah kau..
i'm a good listener..
u can count on me..
i definitely gonna be there when u need me the most..

tapi aku tak sangka dalam pada aku bagi attention aku pada kau..
kau menipu aku..
aku ingatkan bila aku jadi orang yang selalu dengar masalah kau dan menjadi orang yang selalu bagi semangat untuk kau ubah negative things on your life, aku akan always be ur friend and aku ingatkan kau akan berubah slowly untuk make ur life better..
tapi aku silap besar!!

kau rasa macam attention aku pada kau ni merimaskan kau ke?
kau rasa kawan macam aku ni cuma membosankan kau ke?
kau rasa lepak dengan aku buang masa kau ke?
kau rasa aku kawan dengan kau semata-mata sebab i have crush on you?
(u r sooo damn wrong fren if you thought i only befriend wit u becos of this)

aku ikhlas nak kawan dengan kau..
aku ikhlas dengar masalah kau..
aku ikhlas lepak dengan kau and dengar semua cerita kau..
aku ikhlas in our friendship..

untuk apa kau kawan dengan aku?
untuk apa kau ajak aku lepak dengan kau?
untuk apa kau cerita pada aku masalah kau?

kalau kau sendiri tak ikhlas dengan aku?
kalau betul kau ikhlas kawan dengan aku,kenapa kau sanggup menipu aku?
ataupun kau dah jadi salah seorang yang dah fedup dengan aku jugak?

aku betul2 tak sangka kau tipu aku..
maybe pada orang lain apa yang kau tipu tu..ala benda kecik je..
tapi pada aku,lies in friendship is a big sin!
kalau kau pun taknak kawan dengan aku lagi, so stop from be my friend but please..
dont lie to me..

then i guess that's it!!
i dont wanna trust u anymore..
i dont wanna share anything with u..
i dont wanna know anything bout u from now on..

January 14, 2010


at last...
CINTA MANAGEMENT has been registered as my company..
relieved and glad..
i'm one step closer to achieve my 2010 resolution..
masa register tadi kat the mall,
3 names was on my mind..


and the chosen name was CINTA MANAGEMENT
CINTA MANAGEMENT will focusing on events, weddings, exhibitions and other functions. CINTA MANAGEMENT will be as a consultant, planner, designer, and coordinator for any events..
CINTA MANAGEMENT will make everyone fall in love at first sight with our works and efforts..

for the time being, i'm still referring to my dad for CINTA MANAGEMENT's first project..
rite now still designing our logo and all the branding stuff..
i hope this will be a benchmark for me to improve my life and also to do what i'm passionate of..

please pray for me guys, that my dream for CINTA MANAGEMENT to success will come true..

January 12, 2010

their first day..

hari ni ameer n aiman daftar masuk kolej komuniti..
aiman kat selayang n ameer kat kajang
aiman course animation n ameer course IT
abah anta ameer ke kajang n aku dan mama anta aiman ke selayang..

abah bertolak pukul 8.30 pg, kami bertolak pukul 9 lebih..
nasib baik tak jem..dah la dengan Bubu (my car) takde aircond..
we all sampai lebih kurang pukul 10.15 pg.

aiman terus gi mendaftar, aku n mama terpaksa menadah telinga dengar taklimat untuk ibubapa..owh no..do i have to do dis..yes,i had to..
lepas dah dengar taklimat tu,gi naik tingkat 5 pulak untuk dapatkan rumah sewa untuk aiman.
yang kelakarnye ade budak pompuan ni,student sini kot dia tanya aku,nak join dia tak duduk rumah sewa. aku just senyum kambing,am i looked that young hehe..aku geleng, 'saya bukan student dik..' then she smiled to me..malu kot..

then dapat la gather 5 orang freshies untuk jadi housemate aiman.so semua sekali 6 orang 1 rumah,rent RM600.lawak betul mak bapak dorang ni..mula2 dah setuju nak duduk rumah mr tan ni,then bila dengar lect bercerita pasal kolej kediaman kat bukit lela,dorg tergoda plak dengan pe yang lect cerita pasal kolej tu.walhal kolej tu sikit punya jauh nun di area gombak..memang la ade transport tapi memang jauh,penat plus kos lebih lagi..

bila aku n mama carikan rumah lain untuk aiman sorang,tiba2 ade sorang pakcik yg tadi setuju anak dia dududk bukit lela tu tak jadi pulak nak duduk situ.ai cam kap lam ya nga tul dorang ni.alih2 bukan pakcik tu je,sume parent yang dah deal nak duduk dengan aiman tadi tak jadi nak duduk bukit lela.then dorang pun agreed untuk duduk umah mr tan tu..

agak comfy la umah dia even takde furniture.. ha yg aku nak gelak sekali mase ade la pakcik ni, tengah2 ktorg dok borak2,dia cakap kat ktorang..
ha,nak tau kiblat tengok arah astro tu pasang.
what?ktorang terpinga2 bila pakcik tu cakap camtu..then dia pon explain yang astro pasang 1 arah je n memang kebetulan mengikut arsh kiblat. yang ktorang dah bantai gelak dah,kiblat ikut arah astro? wakakaka

hurm dah selesai angkat barang aiman, gi pulak warta nak beli kipas angin cos bilik dia takde kipas.lepas dah beli kipas,anta aiman bali baru lah aku n mama gerak balik.
masa ktorang balik,hujan lebat..pastu agak jem kat jalan templer park tu.dah la bubu takde aircond.
tahan je la basah sebelah..

what an exhausting day...

ameer before meninggalkan umah

aiman n ameer yang smart berkemeja
best of luck bros

ameer yg gen*** hehe

January 10, 2010

movie day out

aku,ira,emy,apiz n shah g la OU untuk tengok muvee..
memula ira booking via phone untuk cerita Sherlock Holmes tapi dapat front row seat..konfirm la saket tengkuk..
then bila sampai sana ingatkan dapat la tukar seat untuk cite tuh..rupenye takde seat kosong..
kitorang pun tukar la cite lain..JU-ON..at first ira memang taknak tengok cite ni..dia takot hehe..tapi at last dorang beli gak cite ni..

tix pukul 4.20pm..kitorg ada lagi sejam untuk tawaf OU ni..
kami pun jalan2 buang masa..makan rotiboy alas perot..
adoyai tak tahan tul gelak dengan 3 org mamat yang tak berapa nak center otak ni.. si emy,shah n apiz..ade je lawak kurang cerdik yang dorg buat..aku n ira gelak je tanpa melibatkan diri..bahaya woo..

then bila dah pukul 4 ktorang pon pegi la membekalkan diri dengan popcorn n air coke..yang emy,shah n apiz dok berebut nak pegang tix..sebab nak duduk seat tengah antara kitorg.aku tak paham tul budak 3 ekor ni..yang sorang nak jadi bapak budak dah tapi perangai cam budak2 lagi..adoii hehe

and the muvee began..
aku kurang paham dengan cite ni..banyak tul flash back nye.dah la ade 2 jenis hantu..Black ghost n White ghost.first half tunjuk pasal white ghost then second half black ghost..
hantu nye plak tak menakutkan langsung,sound effect je lebey..
takat bunyi geeeeekkkk eeeeeekkkk macam orang tercekik tulang kambing huhu..so annoying bunyi tu.
ira setiap kali dengar bunyi tu mesti dia tutup mate sebelah hehe..yang aku dah pegang lutut apiz yang ketika itu berselubung dengan shawl itam dia akibat sejuk.
yang lawak nye ade sorang nenek ni yang tak berapa betul,dia nak selamatkan cucu dia dari kena rogol dengan anak dia..dia sanggup tarik tangan anak dia letak kat breast dia then nenek tu buat muka stim..huhu memang tak boleh blah..anak dia confirm la loya kan bila mak dia buat camtu,trus terbantut hasrat hehe
cite ni asik dok cite orang mati kena bunuh je pastu ada plak kaset berhantu yang kuar suara tanpa dimasukkan ke dalam cassette player..dengar kaset tu pun orang leh terasuk.pastu bunuh orang..cite ni asik dok cite pasal sorang2..kejap akane,kejap fukie..tah sape tah lagi..ramai gile..

pendek kate cite JU-ON ni memang BOSAN!!!! takde bintang langsung aku nak bagi..

pas abis muvee,kitorang memang menyumpah seranah la sebab rugi je rm11 kitorang..
then kitorang yang agak lapar ni menuju ke pizza hut..masa kat pizza,sementara tunggu piza sampai,emy tak puas ati dengan jalan cite ju-on ni,tanya la kitorang..banyak tul tanya nye..tula,dalam panggung tadi tido..
ye,emy tertido,begitu juga apiz..
nampak sangat cite ni bosan!

takpela,what eva it was..memang fun kuar dengan dorang..
tak penah pon aku sangka akan kuar hang out dengan emy,shah n apiz ni ha..
sakit perot aku n ira gelak dengan lawak mamat 3 ekor ni yang gilo..
even ade gak dirty jokes, aku layan kan aje..
ira yang konon2 nye naive, ade gak kot yang dia tak paham tapi dia gelak je hehe..

me n ira in da hall..

sementara menunggu piza

ira wat muke comey dia :P

January 5, 2010

ouch dat's hurt

i always thought that i have given my very best to satisfy others..
i always thought that i have given my priority when u need it..
i always thought that i have given all my attention when u want me to lend my ears..

i got to know that what i did was not enuff..
i got to know that my attention was not enuff..
i got to know that my behaviour make u offended..

i'm just an ordinary girl who is like other creature named girl/lady/woman in this world..
i might seems tough on the outside..but bear i mind that i still have my soft and fragile heart deep down inside..
i might seems can accept all your rough and harsh jokes but sometimes, girl like me can be hurt..
i might seems smiling all the time but just because i'm smiling, it doesnt mean that i'm okay..

it was hurt when u said that u cannot stand me anymore..
it was hurt when u said that u are sick and tired of my behaviour..
it was hurt when u said that i dont give my very best for u..

it's hurting me inside even though i seems to be okay when u said those harsh things to me..it was hurting me badly.. i even cried when u said those words to me..

i've tried my friend...i've tried...

i didn't forget your birthday..
i didn't forget when u need me the most..
i didn't forget when u asked me out..
i didn't forget all of your problems that your have spilled out to me..
i didn't forget when u need me by your side..

i only forgot the small tiny things..
and for those 'sins', u said such harsh words to me..u made me cried..
u didnt know that i was crying.. cos i'm afraid it will hurt u too.. i just keep it..

i'm sorry for those 'sins' i did towards u..i think u are the one who forgot what i did to u....

i might not a perfect person..but i tried to be a best friend and sista to u..

January 3, 2010

someone's getting married..

he called me at 12.02pm..
at first i dont wanna pick up the call but then i thought it might be something he wanna tell..and i was right..

he called to tell me that he's getting married on February 7.
i just said :
oh yeke?congrats..

honestly, i dont feel anything that time..
not even frustrated, sad, crying, screaming or what ever crazy heartbroken attitude..
i was just calm and placid..
then, he said he wanna meet me..what for? cos it might be our last meet..
my heart quickly reject the 'invitation' cos why?
i dunno why but i dun wanna meet him..
maybe i'm afraid dat i'm gonna cry or i'm gonna kiss him goodbye..
i think, the best is i dont pay him another visit..

so now i knew this was the thing dat u wanna tell me when u called the other day..
so now its really the end of our story..
i hope dat after this no more meeting, no more calls, no more sms and no more memories pop out of my head bout us..

i'm happy for u..
i hope u gonna be a responsible, loyal and caring hubby for your wife..

note: i'm happy cos i dont felt anything when i heard this news from him.
yes nina, u finally really over him!! thanx to all my besties cos supporting me all this while.. to shima,wani,lai,mira,janna,liyana,kak zuraida cos listened to my probs, my sadness when he came across my mind before this..but now, i'm free from his 'germ'

January 2, 2010

azam 2010

hurm..i been thinking bout new year's resolution..
at first, i didnt give a damn on new year's resolution cos all my past years resolution, was failed to achieve..
but i been thinking of a few things dat i wanna do for dis year..

1) i wanna get myself a new car..attracted to PERSONA (wahaha tapi monthly cam sakit je)

2) i think i wanna take a big risk to set up an event management company as my dad's idea.. i'm gonna consider it and will do a careful planning on dat.

3) i guess i wanna stop thinking bout to end my SINGLE life.. if before this i wanna hav a boyfren badly after almost 2 years menjanda but now after what has happened to me lately,i've learned dat not every men can be trusted..i just wanna follow the flow.kalau ade,ade la..

4) i wanna enjoy my life with my beloved family and friends..

5) and last but not least..i wanna lose weight..even though as previous years, it never achieved,still hoping huhu..

January 1, 2010

gudbye 2009

2009 telah melabuhkan tirainye..
pahit manis masam pahit kelat sume experience ade..
urm i dun wanna talk about new year resolution which i know that i wud never achieve...
emm let see ape yg aku dah capai ek dis gloomy year of 2009...

1) proudly to say that aku berjaya meningkatkan my self-esteem,my communication skills,my typing speed, and my mood..all because i joined Etiqa Customer Service's team..

2) for the first time,aku jadi pengapit kepada aisya n ibrahim

3) what else..i cant think of it..

ntah la,rs cam nuthing much yg aku achieve in 2009..
owh ya,one more thing....it's really a big thing..

(yeah his name is like indon..but he is malaysian)

frankly speaking,2009 is one of my gloomy and no fun year...
i just giving in of what will happen next..i'm not trying to do sumthing new and not trying to take a risk..
my days was a routine..
woke up in the morning - went to work - went home - took a shower - ate - watched tv -slept -woke up in the morning....and it's goes the same path every single day..

so i guess for 2010, i wanna challenge myself to take a risk, make a chance and breakaway..

sometimes i dunno what to do with my life..*sigh*

hurm today is da beginning of 2010..
i ate a lot today..
nasi dagang + nasi kerabu + buah duku + tembikai + cendol + kuih pelita + mini donut + air bandung

hahaha there goes my diet..ni sume salah mak mira sbb masak best sgt..
wow sooo irresistible..

and one more thing..i also did a big mistake today..
*sigh* *sigh*
i felt like BITCH today..
i guess i dont wanna trust MEN anymore..
cos y..
men dat i know..who has girlfren and also who has wife.. were not LOYAL!!
even though they has someone in their lives, they still flirting with other gal..and that gal is ME!!

huh wat a start for a new year rite..
i hope i will be a better person / gal after dis..