March 14, 2010

wedding, wedding & wedding

first of all..
congrats to Felly Dalilina & Hazman (13/3/2010) and also to Norhafiza & Wan Mohd Sanusi (14/3/2010) cos telah selamat disatukan..
may both couples go thru their marriage with laughter, joy, and happiness ever after..

seronok tengok bila lovebirds disatukan..
terasa macam nak kawin jugak huhuhu tapi takpe, my time will come..

bila tengok hazman, teringat dulu masa aku pernah terminat kat dia hehe
aku selalu nampak dia dalam putra.aku gelar dia abang selipar sebab dia pergi kerja mesti pakai selipar then sampai ofis baru tukar kasut.masa tu aku tak tau pun dia bf felly..then bila dah tau dia bf felly,takde la dah nak minat nye huhuhu..
anyhow, they all dah selamat dah diijabkabul.. happy for them :D

felly n hazman

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