March 5, 2010


urm i'm not really familiar with marionexxes but piko requested for a review so i try my best here k piko :D (i'm not really good in writing a review hehe)

MARIONEXXES is the only BMX band in the world from Malaysia. They started as the BMX riders who fall in love into music. 
It was started in 1997 when the kids who into the BMX lifestyle build up their idea to form a birthday party band in Singapore-Malaysia born, Ernie Nazira. Other fellow members are Dek Do, Jack, Piko and Johan.

okay i guess enuf with the short intro..i've listened to their music..
and it's quite good..i like marilyn monroe, & harimau malaya.

do check them out at their blog & myspace


Unknown said...

thanks for the review

anata said...

welcome cos it's just a very short review

anata said...

*welcome sorry cos it's just a short review

Huda said...

Hi Nina,

This is the latest single by MARIONEXXES entitled 'POP' from the upcoming new album:
Hope you can listen & review it ;)
