25th Nov 2009-eTiQa Annual Dinner 2009
etiqa held a 2nd years annual dinner again at KL Convention Centre.
in the first place, i didnt like the dress so much (bcos it looks like kain langsir) but after put it on and showed to my buddies,they said the dress is ok,no need to buy a new one.i just wore the same dress for the whole nyte.
me n wani
it was so fun and so enjoyable last nyte..
we were the opening gambit!!
we did our best and it was showed on our faces.all the audiences agreed that our performance was great! even ms gyna (our choreographer) was very happy with our performance. at first, after finished the dance we were afraid dat we will disappoint her but we were wrong bcos she totally happy wit our performance.
kudos to all of the dancers!u guys really rawk and roll..we're had so much fun on the stage! the song was fun, and the dancers were so amazingly fun!! (wah puji diri sndri ni hehe)
i've asked shema or lai to take video when we perform but they were too shy to stand in front of the stage. *sigh*
after finished the performance, the waiter served potato wedges, just a blink, all gone into our mouth.mak aii lapar sume ye..the food was okay even not all was good. my stomach was overloaded until i cant take the main course - spaghetti.
guess what, ramli sarip,and man kidal were our guest artiste! they performed kamelia,teratai,doa buat kekasih,jangan tunggu lama2 and the other song title,i forgot damn! whateva it is, papa rock really rocked the nyte. when they started performing, we at the dancers' table started to shout and dance! and we also jalan keretapi in front of the stage while papa rock sang jangan tunggu lama2. OMG, i had so damn much fun last nyte and i dont know how to put it in words. all the staffs who attended the dinner would agreed with me.we're dancing,sang along and had so much fun! even though my stomach was full and sendat plus i wore a belt, i dont care, i kept dancing and singing!
after ramli sarip performed,its the award time!
we at contact centre won 2 awards of the nyte
i've asked shema or lai to take video when we perform but they were too shy to stand in front of the stage. *sigh*
after finished the performance, the waiter served potato wedges, just a blink, all gone into our mouth.mak aii lapar sume ye..the food was okay even not all was good. my stomach was overloaded until i cant take the main course - spaghetti.
guess what, ramli sarip,and man kidal were our guest artiste! they performed kamelia,teratai,doa buat kekasih,jangan tunggu lama2 and the other song title,i forgot damn! whateva it is, papa rock really rocked the nyte. when they started performing, we at the dancers' table started to shout and dance! and we also jalan keretapi in front of the stage while papa rock sang jangan tunggu lama2. OMG, i had so damn much fun last nyte and i dont know how to put it in words. all the staffs who attended the dinner would agreed with me.we're dancing,sang along and had so much fun! even though my stomach was full and sendat plus i wore a belt, i dont care, i kept dancing and singing!
this is one of the menu yummy :)
after ramli sarip performed,its the award time!
we at contact centre won 2 awards of the nyte
the best manager goes to JOANNA TAN (customer care)
the department that living in etiqa's way goes to who else? customer care!!
we were so surprised that we won both awards and when the emcees announced the winner, all of us went on the stage.bagai nak roboh stage tuh. huh its definitely gonna change other staffs' perspective about us!
and here it comes the lucky draw..as last year,the contract staff are not ENTITLED for the lucky draw.. (why so bias?we are ETIQANS also rite?) the grand prize took away a trip for 2 to gold coast australia! alan won too, he won a microwave..huh definitely he will give it to his mom..(apa dia nk wat klu letak umah dia kan hehe)
after the lucky draw,kak yam wanna go home (aku tumpang kak yam balik). i packed my stuff and went down.all the dancers were gone! ai tadi cakap nak amik gmbr kat luar..last2 they all were dancing in front of the stage with our CEO- dato amin!
emm i better go cos its already 1130 pm..arrived home 1215am.
gedebak gedebuk,i went to bed on 1 am..so tired and sleepy but i had so much fun!!
owh i was so gewdiks last nyte..really got into grease mood whereby they were cheeky and ala2 manja (as per gyna) =)
owh i was so gewdiks last nyte..really got into grease mood whereby they were cheeky and ala2 manja (as per gyna) =)
now enjoy the pics..
alamak,scary nye muka without lipstick

half of the dancers backstage
on the stage

the dancers and the cikgu gyna =)
us wit ramli sarip!
me n faizul
well thats only a few from many of the picta of da nyte..
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