June 14, 2011


how do you feel when your loved one having a huge problem and you cant do anything to help them? for sure you'll feel helpless ryte? cos that's what i feel ryte now..

someone that i care about and i love is facing a huge problems ryte now and i cant do a thing to help. i just can give 'em strength and positive vibes. everytime i see that problematic face, i wanna cry.... T_T
there's nothing i can do to help you!! i really dunno what to do! all i can do is say a little prayer...

but you amazed me when you still can laughed, smiled and told silly jokes...i know you're faking it because you dont want to make me sad. but dear, i know you...i can tell...

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku....
Kau berkatilah hidupnya..
Kau permudahkanlah urusannya untuk berubah ke arah yang lebih baik...
Kau cekalkan dan tabahkanlah hatinya bagi menempuh hari2 mendatang
Kau murahkan lah rezekinya...
Kau elakkan lah pandangan dan anggapan jahat orang disekelilingnya yang menghalang dia berubah...
Hanya Kau yang tahu akan rahsia disebalik setiap kejadian yang Kau tentukan...

dear, just bear in mind... Allah takkan turunkan ujian kepada hambaNya lebih dari kemampuan hambaNya itu...ini bermakna Allah tahu awak tu kuat dan boleh tempuh semua dugaanNya...

and you know i'll always be by your side thru thicks and thins... i will support you no matter what...
when everyone is look down on you, tearing you apart...look around and you'll find me there right beside you..just in case you need someone to turn to and to lean on...i'll be there...

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