August 5, 2010

the more i think about it, the more i dont get it

do you have any idea how much i ♥ you?
no? hurm i thought so..

in that case, let me tell you something..

i ♥ you the way you are
i dont wanna change even a tiny little thing about you,but maybe just one thing that you definitely know what it is..
and i will always support you for that no matter what

i ♥ the fact that you always makes me laugh and happy 
but i hate it when you asked 'you never get bored with me?'
NO! because when with you, i always smiling and laughing,cant you see that?

hurm what else that i ♥ bout ya?

i ♥ the way you treat others especially kids and oldies..
deep down, you are such a polite and caring guy 

i ♥ it every time you tease me and make me laugh again and again
i ♥ when you sang a birthday song for me and be the first one to wish me
i ♥ every time you said you missed me

owh boy,seems like i just love everything bout you.

but why cant you see that? 
why you always make excuses everytime i asked you out?
if that is the way you want me to understand that you're not interested, 
then why you keep looking for me when i decided to pull back from you?

it is so hard to understand you, a creature called GUY!
could you please give me some clue?

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