April 7, 2010


have u ever met someone that u newly knew but that someone influenced your decisions, your mood and even your life?

i have met that someone!

yes, dia mempengaruhiku..wah!!

ingat lagi masa aku teragak-agak nak hantar congrats sms to my ex..
even all my friends gave their opinions...aku still teragak-agak..
then out of nowhere someone messaged me thru FB, said that i should sms my ex asap or else i will keep thinking bout it..
and guess what? lepas baca je mesej dia,aku bagaikan dipukau..terus hantar sms tu..

and we became closer ever since..

aku tak tau la apa kuasa or spell he put me under..but what ever he said, it will influence my decisions or my mood..padahal kitorang tak pernah bertegur pun sebelum tu, just berbalas senyuman kalau terserempak dalam lif..

selalunya bila aku tensi masa kerja..aku IM dia mengadu (wah mengada-ngada) yang aku agak stress dengan call volume yang banyak plus pending cases that need to follow up plus kena maki hamun dengan customer..then dia just taip ayat yang mungkin pada orang lain biasa je..tapi pada aku..it's soothing and makes all the tension flew away..
pelik kan?!

then ada seminggu tu dia pergi KK, so jarang2 dapat sms.. aku menjalani kehidupan harianku macam biasa tapi bila aku dapat call dari dia..aku bagaikan tertelan ecstasy.. aku jadi bersemangat gile! wow betul-betul something..

that's not all..there was much more..

bila aku bagitahu my friends, they said i'm in love..
NO! it's not love but it's something else.. which i dunno what is it exactly..

sampai sekarang aku confuse.. macam mana dia boleh influence aku in every way?


iwa xaqi said...

nina!! tell me who??
sounds like in love to me..hehehe..
dah nina sendiri describe mcm tuh kan..
cume mungkin nina tanak ngaku coz u urself yg takmau..

anata said...

no its not love la ira...hehehe
cam bkn je..huhu
xmola gtau,ira knal kot hehehe

payid said...

kalau aku teka betul boleh dapat hadiah tak?

anata said...

sapekah? hehe cb la teka..klu btol aku bg keychain dr bandung wahahaha

iwa xaqi said...

tp i think i knew..
sbb before this nina mcm ade mention about him and his comfort words..
start ngn huruf pangkal Terengganu kan? muahahahaha..

anata said...

hah?nina ade mention his name ke?
ow ow...
eh ade ke? bile ek? ade ek?konpius ni! huhuhu
but it's not luv la ira :D

iwa xaqi said...

yela..i dun think it's love too..
sbb kt tgk mcm abg ngn adik je..
probably he can be a gud brother for u...sbb mungkin die bole influnce nina in a gud way..

anata said...

urm rsnye camtu la kot :)
he is such a gud bro to me hehe
tp nina konpius lg ni..bl ms nina ade gtau ira psl dia ek?