September 23, 2010

talking bout broken hearted..

i couldnt think straight when i'm hurt...

"nothing hurts more than realizing they meant everything to you, but u meant nothing to them."

"a person who truly loves u will never let u go,no matter how hard the situation is.."

"sometimes the person u really need is the one u didnt think u wanted."

"it's not the break up that hurts's the post trauma that follows it.."

"just because a person has always been there for you in the past,doesnt mean it will last forever."

"sometimes you must fight for things that you know you deserve, adn sometimes you must learn to let go."

"some people you love will leave you, but you dont need to chase them because they're not worth it."

"ladies, he's not your prince charming if he doesnt make sure that you're his princess.."

"some dreams are not made to come true, for us to realize that some things are not meant to be ours."

"letting the one we love go doesnt mean we didnt love them anymore..but it shows we really love them    
     because all that matter is their happiness."

"i wish that i can stop doing this to myself: only you filling my head when i went to bed and only you 
    popped up on my mind when i woke up every morning."

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